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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Empty Nest?

Is it possible to have Empty Nest when your child is almost 14 years old? I already feel like he's growing up so fast and I can't push the pause button. It seems like just yesterday he was running around in diapers, but actually yesterday was 8th grade recognition.... He couldn't quite grasp why I was running around the house like a chicken with their head cut off. "It's no big deal mom, just walk out and they call our names" and my response was kinda like this : "NO BIG DEAL? What, Jordan this is the last 8th grade recognition you will EVER have" Ok so maybe I don't do this whole my baby is growing up thing well. Mainly because he's my one and only and once he's gone to college (which isn't very far away) then what the heck am I gonna do? Freedom! You Say? Yes Freedom from making breakfasts, lunches, fussing about dirty laundry and cycling bits and pieces everywhere. Not to mention the races every single weekend.(sigh) Ok, I am getting ahead of myself for now, but for the record I am not ready for this growing up stuff!

 Now for the race report. Because of course there is a race report. Saturday J-man had to do TN State Qualifying Race for Cross Country and he had to miss his very first Cat 3 Race. He was bummed at first, that is until he won the Trailblazer Invitational. He ran 2.2 miles in 11:45, which was pretty stinking awesome. Out of 203 runners he started out pretty hard and about halfway through got passed by two guys and I just knew he was going to get 3rd (which is great) and at the last minute right before the finish line J-man put the pedal to the metal and flew past his component and came in for the win. His team had awesome finishes as well! Zach 7th , Noah and Connor 19th and 20th which got us 2nd place for this awesome group of kids. State here we come!
Sunday we loaded up all of our MSG peeps and traveled over the mountain to visit Asheville Cyclocross at Pisgah Brewery. Always a fun race and this was Jordan's first Cat 3 race. He and Connor Tank's first race together and I swear I think they had sooooo much fun! You could see the grin's on their faces the whole time and they motivate each other well. They both finished great and I am proud of both of them.

 I think this picture says it all!

Of course we couldn't leave our heckling at home

Pappa Tank showing some love to Funny Alan. We all love each other, can't ya tell?

Another great weekend with our cycling family and this coming up Saturday is TN State Cross Country Meet. What will we do with no cycling? Rest up for the next 3 racing weekends I suppose.

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