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Monday, March 11, 2013

The dreaded pinning of the numbers....

Every race which happens often I hear " Mom, will you pin my numbers?" or " Ms. Lewis, will you pin my numbers?" and even though I feel like it's my mom of a cyclist duty I absolutely despise it! I guess the first step is admitting it, My name is Autumn Lewis and I hate pinning race numbers. I am not the best at this little task either so I almost go into panic mode when asked the dreaded question... especially when it's not just my cyclist but another jr cyclist who is depending on me to pin their numbers on the side just right so the Officials can read them as they go flying by. I have even used YouTube to watch how to pin numbers. Pretty sad I know. I hopefully make up for my lack of number pinning skills by bringing enough peanut butter and jelly to feed a team or taking a few hundred action shots with my camera.
We had a great weekend in Blythewood for the Omnium, Race Report soon!