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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sitting In

We are a few races into the season and are taking the next few weekends off to rest up. Jordan has had a few bad races and what looks like a few great races. This past weekend was 1 MSG Race on Saturday and the final AVL CX race on Sunday. Saturday was not a good day for him. Jordan had consistently placed 3rd the past few races and this race seemed to bring in a few bigger riders. Needless to say, Jordan's nerves were getting to him. He had a great start and on the first lap he hit the barriers at what seemed to be full speed! It mangled his handlebars and he already had to pit. He continued for a few more laps but quickly realized he had hurt his back and decided to call it. He was mad. Mad at himself? mad at the bike? or even mad at the barrier that he smacked so hard. It was time for that go get in the car and let's have a mom/son talk. In my head I had to remind myself he's only 14. After a pep talk of " there will be many more races just like this" and "the most important thing is you are ok",( you know all the mom stuff ) he came out of the sulking state of mind. Tomorrow was a new day and new race! Rest up, chin up and go cheer for your fellow cyclists.
Sunday morning he was in a new state of mind. He had a race to race and he wanted to redeem Saturday's race. Boy did he ever! I can say that J-man raced the smartest, best race I have ever seen him race. I can see how much he learns each and every race and he has the power, it's the skill set and tactic he still needs to improve on. He always makes me proud, win, lose or DNF. I had to look around and just soak it in for a few moments. People we didn't even know were pulling for him. He tells me people cheering and even heckling fuel him so he was in pure heaven! He ended up with a 4th place finish behind some very strong pro's. I don't care if he would've placed 45th, he raced his heart out and that is exactly what its all about.
I cannot even begin to explain the support we have from everyone that surrounds us. He is a young racer and still has alot to learn, but when I hear people telling him he races his heart out and still keeps a humble attitude... that makes me realize I am doing my job as mom.

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